National Science and Technology Council, Taiwan
- (PI) “From Smart City to Happy City: Exploring the Pulse of the City with AIoT”, 2023/8/1 - 2026/7/31 (NSTC 112-2221-E-001-005-MY3)
- (Co-PI) “New Generation Children and Youth Digital Behavior and Values Program”, 2024/10/1 - 2027/9/30 (NSTC 113-2420-H-305-001-MY3 )
- (Co-PI) “Learning and Application of Generative Artificial Intelligence in Computer Science Courses”, 2024/8/1 - 2027/7/31 (NSTC 113-2410-H-003-018-MY3 )
Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan
- (PI) “UpStream - Using Participatory approaches to instigate improvements in water quality”, 2021/6/1 - 2022/11/30 (MOST 110-2923-E-001-001-MY2)
- (PI) “Intelligent Low-cost Air Quality Sensing with Agility on the Edge”, 2020/8/1 - 2023/7/31 (MOST 109-2221-E-001-005-MY3)
- (PI) “Making Sense of Internet of Environmental Things: Using PM2.5 as an Example”, 2017/6/1 - 2021/5/31 (MOST 106-3114-E-001-004, MOST 107-2218-E-001-006, MOST 108-2218-E-001-002, MOST 109-2218-E-001-002)
- (PI) “Participatory Urban Sensing for Particulate Matter Monitoring”, 2016/8/1 - 2019/7/31 (MOST 105-2221-E-001-016-MY3)
- (PI) “Research of Internet of Everything: Sensing, Networking, and Data Analysis”, 2015/8/1 - 2016/7/31 (MOST 104-2221-E-001-006)
- (PI) “Research of Energy Efficiency for Crowdsensing at Scale”, 2012/8/1 - 2015/7/31 (NSC 101-2628-E-001-004-MY3)
- (PI) “Pervasive Location Sensing: Data Management”, 2011/5/1 - 2014/4/30 (NSC 100-2219-E-001-001, NSC 101-2219-E-001-002, NSC 102-2219-E-001-002)
- (PI) “Design Strategies for Improving System Performance of Human Computation Systems”, 2009/8/1 - 2012/7/31 (NSC 98-2221-E-001-014-MY3)
- (PI) “A Peer-to-Peer based Approach for Collaborative Internet Access on the Move”, 2008/8/1 - 2011/7/31 (NSC 97-2628-E-001-007-MY3)
- (PI) “Scalable and Mobility Prediction-based Data Delivery in Delay Tolerant Networks”, 2007/8/1 - 2008/7/31 (NSC 96-2221-E-001-010)
- (PI) “Resilient Data Transmission in Wireless Netowrks”, 2007/1/1 - 2007/12/31 (NSC 96-2623-7-001-004-D)
- (PI) “Effective Routing in Delay Tolerant Networks”, 2006/8/1 - 2007/7/31 (NSC 95-2221-E-001-025)
- (PI) “Link Capacity Estimation in High Speed Networks”, 2005/11/1 - 2006/7/31 (NSC 94-2218-E-001-002)
- (Co-PI) “Assess the Impact of Traffic Pollution on Risk of Depression using Internet of Things Noise Sensor”, 2021/8/1 - 2022/7/31 (MOST 110-2314-B-A49A-507)
- (Co-PI) “Cross countries comparison of road running race and air pollution: Risk perception, risk management, and adaptive behaviors”, 2021/8/1 - 2022/7/31 (MOST 110-2410-H-006-108)
- (Co-PI) “The Development of Emerging Technology Instructional Materials for High School Students: Interdisciplinary STEM instruction approach”, 2020/8/1~2022/7/31 (MOST 109-2511-H-003-009, MOST 110-2511-H-003-050, MOST 111-2511-H-003 -005)
- (Co-PI) ``Using data fusion of monitoring station and micro measuring devices for atmospheric particulate matter monitoring and small area estimation’’, 2016/7/1 - 2018/6/30 (MOST 105-3011-F-001-002, MOST 106-3011-F-001-001)
- (Co-PI) ``Design and Implementation of spatial-temporal big data analytics for PM 2.5 surveillance’’, 2016/7/1 - 2017/6/30 (MOST 105-2634-E-009-002)
- (Co-PI) “Intelligent Emergency Evacuation Systems for Public Buildings and Facilities”, 2015/4/1 - 2015/9/30 (MOST 104-2218-E-006-016)
- (Co-PI) “Information Delivery Middleware for Disaster Management over Heterogenous Interwoven Communication Networks”, 2013/5/1 - 2014/4/30 (NSC 102-2219-E-002-022)
- (Co-PI) “SeC: Sensor-Enabled Cloud Service Platform”, 2011/8/1 - 2014/7/31 (NSC 100-2218-E-009-013-MY3)
- (Co-PI) “The Center for excellence in e-Learning Sciences (CeeLS) Extended Project: A Full-Fledged Science Education Study”, 2011/8/1 - 2013/6/30 (NSC 100-2631-S-003-006, NSC 101-2631-S-003-004)
- (Co-PI) “Pervasive Location Sensing: Enabling Technologies and Application”, 2011/5/1 - 2014/8/31 (NSC 100-2219-E-002-020, NSC 101-2219-E-002-019, NSC 102-2219-E-002-015)
- (Co-PI) “Scientific Exploration of Special Topics in Computer Science”, 2010/5/1 - 2012/4/30 (NSC 99-2515-S-003-002, NSC 100-2515-S-003-001)
- (Co-PI) “YushanNet: An Opportunistic Wireless Sensor Network based Hiking Information System for Yushan National Park”, 2009/11/1 - 2012/10/31 (NSC 98-2218-E-002-040, NSC 99-2218-E-002-014, NSC 100-2218-E-002-004)
- (Co-PI) “Research of Techniques and Tools for Digital Archives”, 2009/1/1 - 2011/12/31 (NSC 98-2631-H-001-013, NSC 99-2631-H-001-020, NSC 100-2631-H-001-013, NSC 101-2631-H-001-007)
- (Co-PI) “The Center for excellence in e-Learning Sciences (CeeLS): i4 future learning environment”, 2008/12/1 - 2011/7/31 (NSC 97-2631-S-003-003, NSC 98-2631-S-003-002, NSC 99-2631-S-003-002)
- (Co-PI) “Research and Development for Digital Archives Technologies and Standards”, 2007/12/1 - 2009/3/31 (NSC 96-3113-H-001-012)
- (Co-PI) “Innovative Design for Tailored e-Learning Objects and Customizable Learning Environments (TeLOCLE)”, 2007/8/1 - 2008/12/31 (NSC 96-2524-S-003-001)
Academia Sinica, Taiwan
- (PI) “Research of Low-Cost Sensing Systems for Noise Measurement and Sound Classification’’, Sub-project of “Sensing the noise in urban areas and evaluating its potential health impact”, 2020/1/1 - 2022/12/31 (AS-SS-109-02)
- (PI) “Individual and social group activity monitoring and mining for active aging”, Sub-project of “Activity monitoring and interactive presentation design for active aging: sensor platform, activity mining and interactive art”, 2016/1/1 - 2018/12/31 (AS-105-TP-A07)
- (PI) “Location-aware crowdsensing system for large-scale air pollution monitoring”, Sub-project of “Integrated Multi-source and High-resolution Heat Wave Vulnerability Assessment of Taiwan”, 2015/1/1 - 2017/12/31 (AS-104-SS-A02)
- (Co-PI) “Trans-disciplinary PM2.5 Exposure Research in Urban Areas for Health-oriented Preventive Strategies (II)”, 2021/1/1 - 2023/12/31 (AS-SS-110-2)
- (Co-PI) “Trans-disciplinary PM2.5 Exposure Research in Urban Areas for Health-oriented Preventive Strategies”, 2018/1/1 - 2020/12/31 (AS-SS-107-03)
- (Co-PI) “Activity monitoring and interactive presentation design for active aging: sensor platform, activity mining and interactive art”, 2016/1/1 - 2018/12/31 (AS-105-TP-A07)
- (Co-PI) “Mobile Apps Living Lab: Service Platform, Social Data Mining, and Sensing Techniques”, 2013/1/1 - 2015/12/31 (AS-102-TP-A06)
- (Co-PI) “Open Information Gateway”, Sub-project of “OpenISDM (Open Information System for Disaster Management)”, 2012/1/1 - 2014/12/31 (AS-101-TP2-A01-6)
Industrial Technology Research Institute, Taiwan
- (PI) “Security Analysis for CIM-based Information Systems”, 2014/12/8 - 2015/06/25
- (PI) “Advanced Analysis and Management for Smart Meter Data”, 2013/4/23 - 2013/11/30
- (PI) “A Pilot Study of Smart Meter Data Analysis”, 2012/4/1 - 2012/11/30
- (PI) “Research of Service Platforms for Mobile Cliquing”, 2011/10/1 - 2012/12/31
Centers of Disease Control, Ministry of Health and Welfare
- (PI) “Development of Indoor Air Quality Monitoring System for Proactive Control of Respiratory Infectious Diseases”, 2018/05/01 - 2018/12/31 (MOHW 107-CDC-C-114-114701)
Ministry of Labor, Taiwan
- (Co-PI) " Pilot Study of Heat-stress Exposure Sensing and Heat-warning System for Workers in Outdoor High-temperature Workplace”, 2016/02/01 - 2016/12/20
Microsoft Research Asia
- (PI) “Research of Data Management for Crowdsensing Systems at Scale”, 2013/1/1 - 2013/12/31
Yushan National Park Headquarters, Taiwan
- (PI) “The Deployment of the CenWits system for Hiker Tracking, Search, and Rescue in Yushan National Park”, 2008/3/15 - 2008/12/31